Garbage Text

Monday, October 11, 2004


Welcome (to)=(: or "too") my diary/journal of "information" which I literally picked up off the streets. This treasure of info was found as garbage while walking in these towns/major cities. I store this info in this blog while giving me the chance : share it w/others w/out sharing a landfill of actuall garbage. I also protect the safety/privacy of "innocent" victims from possible "miss-use" of info online by(x) eliminating their actual names, physical/(email addresses)=emad, & photos(ph). The only ph I upload : blog(if possible) will b of "blurried-out" documents. I describe documents in red type : further aid u in visualizing the xperience. Please 4give me 4 abreviating or "shorthanding" but I strongly believe in conserving typing space and not wasting it. This is my biggest pet peave when it comes : typing. Believe me, I can get worse. : spare u deciphering, I'll try : control this. If it were up : me, I'd have many words enclosed in parentheses & then having them equal(=) a number(#); i.e: (word)=b7. Now that's really ridiculous, isn't it? Feel free : send your(ur) opinions & any ? or suggestions : my emad:
