Today was n r right day 4 me. I'm back home w/my Daddy that mean alot 2 me. Nov 17, 04, 9:00pm. a2, a22, a4 111704, a5 5:47pm pst, a25 The Walking Company, a26, a14, a15, a16, a28,
Today was n r right day 4 me. I'm back home w/my Daddy that mean alot 2 me. Nov 17, 04, 9:00pm. a2, a22, a4 111704, a5 5:47pm pst, a25 The Walking Company, a26, a14, a15, a16, a28,
U Parked n the middle of this Road, get a clue will ya! Get a little exercise, & park on the street. I don't have any problems w/having u towed. a29, a4 1120'04, a25 Wax On Spa, a5 7:33 am pst, a26 a30 a27 a15 a16, a28
P.S. U r n our prayers. Dear Brandi, I am Samar?'s mom. I didn't know What she had picked out-only that she needed proctise & that all of u were so awesome : let her sing. God sure knew-she was ?-full of life. what a great song song 4 us all! a2 (washington st/ave)=a23, a4 111504, a5 5:59 am pst, (written in pencil)=a24
a2 (Found), a3 (Aurora Ave), a4 (this date), a5 (time of day), a6 (neon)
a7 (green), a8 (8 1/2 x 11), a9 (cardboard), a10 (sheet), a11 (paper)
a12 (on back of it reads:), a13 (person's name), a14 (black), a15 (pen), a16 (ink)
a17 (white), a18 (forgot to(:) write down where found, time(x) of day, & other memorable data)
(there's much + : this document but : save u the unnecessary info, I have only included the most crucial news or information, a general summary of the printed document)
(I have listed actual people's names b cause I knew 4 a fact that they were dead, so listing their names posed no harm-in my opinion)
(document personally handed : me x a supporting individual disrtibutor), a22 (4th Ave.)
a22 (4th Ave), a23 (Washington st/ave), a24 (written n pencil), a25 (n front of , around, within vicinity, of business, park, memorial, monument, or other public site), a26 (written in), a27 (liquid), a28 (a26 partial cursive, partial print)
a29 (Wall Street), a30 (orange)
How Long Must We Wait : B Safe?
18 homeless people have died outside of shelter n (King County)=(KC) so far this yr.
It seems not : b news any(more)=(+ or plus) when homeless people die outside of shelter. It has been some months now since Seattle newspapers have reported on this. It has also been months since the (Medical Examiners Office)=(MEO) released a list of homeless deaths. (although the MEO have overall been great in offering info & support : the homeless community.)
It's always news : us homeless people when 1 of our members dies alone outside. We r the members of WHEEL (a grassroots group of homeless women) & the Church of Mary Magdalene (n ecumenical day ministry). Together we stand silent vigils called WIB whenever a homeless person dies outside or is murdered in KC. Here is our recent news:
(Santiago Garcia)=(SG) was a very likeable, outgoing Latino man. Every1 who knew him thought of him as a youngster, even though he was 49 yrs old. He was childlike & mischievous & seemed : have a zest 4 life. He died August 23rd @ (Harborview Medical Center)=(HMC). Prior : that, he been sleeping outside. Many of his friends didn't hear of his death until this month (which, coincidentally, is the month SG would've celebrated his 50th birthday).
(Maria McQuakay)=(MM) was just 29 yrs old when she decided : take her own life October 5th. She had been sleeping outside in the Jungle near Beacon Hill. She was half Latina & half Native American; a strong & good woman, survived x a brother & sister. They lost their mother a couple yrs ago-a source of deep & lasting grief 4 their family.
Today, we stand : honor & remember SG & MM.
Homelessness & poverty affect people of color far out proportion : their #s in the general population. UNIVISION, the Spanish-language cable TV station, is doing a story on our WIB group specifically bcause so many of the people that we have stood vigil 4 have been Latino. They r with us today. (there's much + : this document but : save u the unnecessary info, I have only included the most crucial news or information, a general summary of the printed document)=a19. a5 12:20pm pst, a4 102004, a8, a10, a11. (document personally handed : me x a supporting individual disrtibutor)=a21. @ (4th Ave.)=a22. (I have listed actual people's names b cause I knew 4 a fact that they were dead, so listing their names posed no harm-in my opinion)=a20.
u have many God-given talents! U have been n inspirtation! Today, U hurt my feelings & that made me sad- a12a13a14a15 (forgot to(:) write down where found, time(x) of day, & other memorable data)=a18
NeverThe less Something can b even When A Negative Experience occurs! a18 a1213a14a15
I'm so glad we have made it this far. 2 & 1/2 months! Let's try 4 another! mn a12a13a14a15 (white)=a17 a11
It's ok if u don't care 4 me But I'll try not 2 ? mn a12 (blue)=a18 a14a15 a16a11
Can't fake it-may pride F cannot ? mn a12 a17a14a15a16a11
You Didn't walk ow the door But ur words cut right 2 the core mn a12a17a14a15
C.I.A is a dirty filthy war monging coward & computer slaven liar & their mob people have been doing alot of killing & damage 2 whites over many yrs! Mob problem in Seattle in their food establishments is overwhelming! I have speakers in my middle or innear ears & these corrupt/criminal sons of bitches have made my food selections 4 yrs & it's been speed in food everyday 4 +than 8 yrs now! I'm not a crime syndicate! But am a ultimate victim! C.I.A & mob have lied about everything! & virus & poison food as well! Whites, seek out only ur specific enemy race & b fair & only ? those that responsible! (details of above document)=a1 (Found)=a2 @ (Aurora Ave)=a3 (this date)=a4 1007'04 (time of day)=a5 7:33am pst(pacific Standard x) (neon)=a6 (green)=a7 (8 1/2 x 11)=a8 (cardboard)=a9 (sheet)=a10 (paper)=a11 (on back of it reads:)=a12 (person's name)=a13 & "4 judge, Court of Appeals Position 1 Posted 8/23/04" (written in)=a13 (black)=a14 (pen)=a15 (ink)=a16
Welcome (to)=(: or "too") my diary/journal of "information" which I literally picked up off the streets. This treasure of info was found as garbage while walking in these towns/major cities. I store this info in this blog while giving me the chance : share it w/others w/out sharing a landfill of actuall garbage. I also protect the safety/privacy of "innocent" victims from possible "miss-use" of info online by(x) eliminating their actual names, physical/(email addresses)=emad, & photos(ph). The only ph I upload : blog(if possible) will b of "blurried-out" documents. I describe documents in red type : further aid u in visualizing the xperience. Please 4give me 4 abreviating or "shorthanding" but I strongly believe in conserving typing space and not wasting it. This is my biggest pet peave when it comes : typing. Believe me, I can get worse. : spare u deciphering, I'll try : control this. If it were up : me, I'd have many words enclosed in parentheses & then having them equal(=) a number(#); i.e: (word)=b7. Now that's really ridiculous, isn't it? Feel free : send your(ur) opinions & any ? or suggestions : my emad: