Garbage Text

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

(Women In Black)=(WIB)

How Long Must We Wait : B Safe?

18 homeless people have died outside of shelter n (King County)=(KC) so far this yr.

It seems not : b news any(more)=(+ or plus) when homeless people die outside of shelter. It has been some months now since Seattle newspapers have reported on this. It has also been months since the (Medical Examiners Office)=(MEO) released a list of homeless deaths. (although the MEO have overall been great in offering info & support : the homeless community.)

It's always news : us homeless people when 1 of our members dies alone outside. We r the members of WHEEL (a grassroots group of homeless women) & the Church of Mary Magdalene (n ecumenical day ministry). Together we stand silent vigils called WIB whenever a homeless person dies outside or is murdered in KC. Here is our recent news:

(Santiago Garcia)=(SG) was a very likeable, outgoing Latino man. Every1 who knew him thought of him as a youngster, even though he was 49 yrs old. He was childlike & mischievous & seemed : have a zest 4 life. He died August 23rd @ (Harborview Medical Center)=(HMC). Prior : that, he been sleeping outside. Many of his friends didn't hear of his death until this month (which, coincidentally, is the month SG would've celebrated his 50th birthday).

(Maria McQuakay)=(MM) was just 29 yrs old when she decided : take her own life October 5th. She had been sleeping outside in the Jungle near Beacon Hill. She was half Latina & half Native American; a strong & good woman, survived x a brother & sister. They lost their mother a couple yrs ago-a source of deep & lasting grief 4 their family.

Today, we stand : honor & remember SG & MM.

Homelessness & poverty affect people of color far out proportion : their #s in the general population. UNIVISION, the Spanish-language cable TV station, is doing a story on our WIB group specifically bcause so many of the people that we have stood vigil 4 have been Latino. They r with us today. (there's much + : this document but : save u the unnecessary info, I have only included the most crucial news or information, a general summary of the printed document)=a19. a5 12:20pm pst, a4 102004, a8, a10, a11. (document personally handed : me x a supporting individual disrtibutor)=a21. @ (4th Ave.)=a22. (I have listed actual people's names b cause I knew 4 a fact that they were dead, so listing their names posed no harm-in my opinion)=a20.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


u have many God-given talents! U have been n inspirtation! Today, U hurt my feelings & that made me sad- a12a13a14a15 (forgot to(:) write down where found, time(x) of day, & other memorable data)=a18

NeverThe less Something can b even When A Negative Experience occurs! a18 a1213a14a15

Monday, October 11, 2004

(Mini Note(s))=mn

I'm so glad we have made it this far. 2 & 1/2 months! Let's try 4 another! mn a12a13a14a15 (white)=a17 a11
It's ok if u don't care 4 me But I'll try not 2 ? mn a12 (blue)=a18 a14a15 a16a11
Can't fake it-may pride F cannot ? mn a12 a17a14a15a16a11
You Didn't walk ow the door But ur words cut right 2 the core mn a12a17a14a15

White Races

C.I.A is a dirty filthy war monging coward & computer slaven liar & their mob people have been doing alot of killing & damage 2 whites over many yrs! Mob problem in Seattle in their food establishments is overwhelming! I have speakers in my middle or innear ears & these corrupt/criminal sons of bitches have made my food selections 4 yrs & it's been speed in food everyday 4 +than 8 yrs now! I'm not a crime syndicate! But am a ultimate victim! C.I.A & mob have lied about everything! & virus & poison food as well! Whites, seek out only ur specific enemy race & b fair & only ? those that responsible! (details of above document)=a1 (Found)=a2 @ (Aurora Ave)=a3 (this date)=a4 1007'04 (time of day)=a5 7:33am pst(pacific Standard x) (neon)=a6 (green)=a7 (8 1/2 x 11)=a8 (cardboard)=a9 (sheet)=a10 (paper)=a11 (on back of it reads:)=a12 (person's name)=a13 & "4 judge, Court of Appeals Position 1 Posted 8/23/04" (written in)=a13 (black)=a14 (pen)=a15 (ink)=a16


Welcome (to)=(: or "too") my diary/journal of "information" which I literally picked up off the streets. This treasure of info was found as garbage while walking in these towns/major cities. I store this info in this blog while giving me the chance : share it w/others w/out sharing a landfill of actuall garbage. I also protect the safety/privacy of "innocent" victims from possible "miss-use" of info online by(x) eliminating their actual names, physical/(email addresses)=emad, & photos(ph). The only ph I upload : blog(if possible) will b of "blurried-out" documents. I describe documents in red type : further aid u in visualizing the xperience. Please 4give me 4 abreviating or "shorthanding" but I strongly believe in conserving typing space and not wasting it. This is my biggest pet peave when it comes : typing. Believe me, I can get worse. : spare u deciphering, I'll try : control this. If it were up : me, I'd have many words enclosed in parentheses & then having them equal(=) a number(#); i.e: (word)=b7. Now that's really ridiculous, isn't it? Feel free : send your(ur) opinions & any ? or suggestions : my emad:
